Friday, April 24, 2020

The Final Destination

Directed by: David R. Ellis
Written by: Eric Bress
Stars: Bobby Campo, Shantel VanSanten, Nick Zano, Haley Webb, Mykelti Williamson, Krista Allen, Andrew Fiscella, Justin Welborn, Stephanie Honore'

Directed by David Ellis, the man who made the great Final Destination 2, the film is about a premonition (again), but this time it is at a car race at McKinley Speedway. After Nick O'Bannon has a premonition, he gets several people out of the racetrack. Now, he must stop Death from killing off the survivors one by one (The same plot each movie -- sorry if it seems repetitive!).

Going into The Final Destination (Great title--does it mean it's the last one?), I was expecting more of the same fun teen slasher-like kills and a great premonition, especially since it's directed by FD2's Ellis. And while the film had a great premonition to kick things off, the rest of the movie kind of felt too repetitive. Especially given that the main character sees visions of what exactly is going to happen before it does. There's no surprise to the kills unlike the previous films. The acting in the film isn't the best in the series either. The actors are fine, but no standouts in the film, in my opinion. The kills rely too much on CGI, so it doesn't look or feel as real as the other films in the saga. However, the last act of the movie is pretty well executed. The film has a great climax at the mall.

Just for the execution of the last act and the opening premonition, I recommend watching this film (especially if you're a die-hard Final Destination fan!)

Final Grade: 6.5/10

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