Tuesday, April 28, 2020



Directed by: Tom Hooper
Written by: Lee Hall & Tom Hooper
Stars: James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason DeRulo, Idris Elba, Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson, Francesca Hayward

Based on the award winning musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cats follows a tribe of cats called the Jellicles. The Jellicles must decide yearly which one of their tribe will ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new Jellicle life.

I only have two positives things to say about the film: the songs are fine. Andrew Lloyd Webber made some good music for this show. It's a shame that the songs had to be used in this film. And the actors are clearly doing their best. They have some really talented actors in this film. Why they chose this film I still have no idea.

Throughout almost all of Cats, I kept asking myself, "why did this get made?". This film is truly a marvel in cinema. I've never seen a film this unnerving to watch in my life. The CGI/motion capture is truly nightmare fuel. The human faces on the cats doesn't match, which leads to scarring images. This film was supposed to be aimed at kids, but the kids themselves will be horrified by the images. The film is also quite boring for a musical. Not a lot happens. The cats just dance and sing for almost 2 hours!

I've never thought that a film like Cats could exist. This film is a miracle, and an atrocity at the same time.


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