Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nikola Peltz in Transformers 4? Epic Fail!!

As some of you all know, I'm not very fond of the Transformers films. I thought the first one was too atrocious, and the second one was just a disaster. I did, however, think Dark of the Moon was alright.

There is a fine line between when you can and cannot get away with something as preposterous as casting a young actress as the leading role. And I think Michael Bay has taken the cake with this one, as he has casted Nikola Peltz as the female lead in Transformers 4.

Nikola Peltz, as you know, was in The Last Airbender, my least favorite film of 2010.

This is a horrible idea. Why would you cast Peltz? Maybe with Transformers 4, she could have a better script for the film. The reason she wasn't good in TLA was based on the script, which was awful to say the least.

Hey, I mean could be worse. I mean at least we don't have Fox casted in another Bay film, like say as April O' Neal, with the premise about Alien Turtles, right?

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