Tuesday, October 23, 2012

'Huntsman' fails to deliver the full potential

In a twist to the Snow White fairytale, Snow White is locked up in her father's kingdom when the Queen takes over. She escapes and the queen sends a local huntsman and a group to find her and kill her so the Queen can maintain her youth. Instead of killing her, the huntsman becomes her bodyguard to help Snow White vanquish the queen and becoming queen herself. This is the infamous film that sparked the dispute between Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart's breakup and reunion over, because Stewart reportedly had an affair with the director on set. This film is an incredibly disappointment in filmmaking. The film failed to deliver on so many levels. I felt bad for the waste of talent in this film, by all the actors playing the Seven Dwarfs. The Dwarfs don't sing "Hi Ho" at all. It is a very darker tone from the 1939 animated film. Kirsten Stewart cannot act at all. She fails to capture a very emotional princess by being a blank, faceless girl. She shouldn't have been the lead for Snow White. Charlize Theron was the standout in the performances here as the queen who wants to become fairest of them all. She is terrifying at times, but she sometimes overacts a lot. Chris Hems-worth brings a Shakespearean accent in the role of the huntsman who falls for Snow White. The special effects are heavily CGI based. Things like sprites, the trees in the dark forest, and glass breaking when someone gets cut in half don't cut it. Overall, Snow White and the Huntsman is a failure of a motion picture. It fails on its acting, its story, and its mediocre special effects. 2/5

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