Friday, September 27, 2013

Coming Back

Hello, everybody. This is Alex, The Quirky Critic addressing you.

I had recently been on a hiatus from my movie blogging for at least a good 5 months. I know...but I will be returning to what I love to do best, blogging about movie reviews for you good people. One of the reasons I had stopped for so long was because I am now a college freshman and college essays have been coming up, and stopping me from making reviews.

The major reason I stopped for a while was because I had no inspiration to do movie reviews. I would occasionally see a movie here and there, but I didn't have the excitement to write a review on the film.

Being away from blogging has taught me a few things. Since I have a passion for movies, I must be able to make reviews very often. I must critique the films in my own opinion, and not from the opinions of other critics.

So, look forward to a couple of new film reviews whenever I have the time. There will be no more hiatus, because The Quirky Critic Reviews are here to stay. :)